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Embedded in the vibrant atmosphere of Münster with its high standard of living, attractive leisure opportunities and several universities we provide the following Doctoral Research Associate.

We are beemo GmbH, an internationally active company offering an excellent and innovative working environment. Since beemo is a spin-off enterprise of Münster University of Applied Sciences, we have a strong affinity for research-related developments as well as for the most forward-loooking technology approaches.

beemo is seeking to fill a position of a

Doctoral Research Associate

EU MSCA Fellow

Salary level according to Master’s degree in public sector

for the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network “Spatial Communication and Ageing Across Languages (SCALA)” commencing on 1 December 2024. We are offering a fixed-term full-time position for 3 years starting on April 1, 2025. The position is tied to working towards a doctorate.

Further information about the project …

Your tasks

  • To work on subject of “Verbal navigation support for bicyclists of different ages” (DC11 of the SCALA project)
  • To design, to implement and to evaluate user-oriented software components for spatial communication as well as to design, to run and to analyse studies with human participants (e.g. elicitation studies, controlled user studies, field studies)
  • To support in the fields of public relations and communication related to our cycling app Naviki
  • To communicate and to disseminate research results to different target audiences and sectors (e.g. research, industry, potential users)
  • To publish research results in well ranked international journals and at highly recognized international conferences
  • To collaborate with an international consortium in the funded MSCA doctoral network SCALA
  • To participate in the network’s training programme including in person events like summer schools and online events (lecture series, colloquia etc.)

Our expectations

  • A graduate degree (Master’s degree) in Geoinformatics, Computer Science or a related discipline
  • Good command of written and spoken English
  • Willingness to undertake transnational mobility (e.g. internship at one of the SCALA project partners)
  • Solid programming skills in at least one programming language
  • Experience in at least one of the following fields: Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Centred Design, Navigation, Route Planning
  • An affinity for Marketing and Public Relations
  • Ability to work both, in a team and independently
  • Good communication and organisation skills

Candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies etc.) in Germany for more than 12 months in the 36 months before April 1, 2025 (MSCA mobility rule) nor they are allowed to hold a doctoral degree.

Your advantages

  • By joining the EU-UKRI-funded Doctoral Network SCALA you will join an interdisciplinary and intersectoral training network involving universities, companies and several associated partners. The network will provide online and in-person training to support the fellows in obtaining their doctorate degree including secondments at partner universities and companies.
  • Contributing to the transport transition towards non-motorised traffic by market-oriented research and development
  • Inspiring working conditions including free coffee, drinks and fruit
  • A very flexible work-time model including the opportunity to work from home and travelling

Eligibility check and application procedure

  • We strongly advise all candidates to submit their applications to the eligibility check we offer until September  15, 2024. Please find details here …
  • In addition to the position described here, 14 more doctoral projects are available in the SCALA network; you have the opportunities to be in touch with these doctoral candidates. 

Required documents for your application

  • motivation letter 
  • detailed CV (preferably in EU pass format
  • transcripts of bachelor’s and master’s degrees
  • two letters of reference
  • proof of English proficiency (e.g. an English certificate, a degree completed in English)

Please note that our SCALA network partners will be involved in the selection process and that your documents will be passed on to the members of the MSCA doctoral network in this context. Your application will be evaluated by the SCALA selection committee. Suitable candidates will be invited for interviews.

beemo welcomes all applicants regardless of nationality, ethnic or social background, religion or worldview, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity. We actively encourage applications by women.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to e-mail to

We look forward to receiving your application by October 6, 2024. Please send it as a single PDF file to